Sunday, January 24, 2010

possessed by the devil's water

Fernet Branca
Originally uploaded by Morten Iveland
just for kicks i made fernet branca ice cream a few days ago. it is awesome!!

ever had fernet branca?

now im wondering what to pair with it. some ideas are gingerbread cake, carrot cake, orange zeppole ... seems like a spiced cake is the way to go. suggestions?

so for your enjoyment: fernet branca ice cream

2 oz fernet branca
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup milk
1 cup heavy cream
2 oz butter
2 oz fernet branca
1/2 tsp ultra-tex 3

cook off alcohol from first 2 oz fernet branca.
reduce fernet by 3/4.
add sugar, milk and cream. bring to a light simmer.
add butter. whisk.
remove from heat.
add last 2 oz fernet branca and ultra-tex 3.
blend on high for 2 minutes.
run in ice cream machine.



Sinda said...

Those Tipsy Texans referred me to you when I said I couldn't wrap my arms around Fernet. Funnily enough, just before they told me about your ice cream, another friend told me it had to be ice cold to be properly enjoyed - so your ice cream sounds perfect. Thanks!

plinio said...

hey sinda,
im bringing in fernet ice cream tonight to anvil bar in houston. if you're by, come by and sample it.

Sinda said...

I live in Austin, or I would. If I lived in Houston I would be there as much as possible!

Do you work for Scott at Textile?

Drinkapotamus said...

That ice cream sounds tasty--I'll have to try it sometime. And I would gladly eat it with a piece of gingerbread cake.

Unknown said...

Fernet and Coke= Fernando. A staple in Argentina.

オテモヤン said...
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Barzelay said...

I just found your blog through a tip from Michael O'Boyle. Your stuff looks great!

I notice that you have your ice creams thickened with hydrocolloids instead of eggs. It's the first time I've seen that, except in the most esoteric recipes intended for pacojets. I'm going to be trying it immediately. I was wondering whether it's still necessary to allow the base to mature before freezing. Or is that only necessary for full hydration of dry milk powders?

One other question. Do you really measure out xanthan gum and Ultra-Tex 3 by the teaspoon, as opposed to with an accurate scale?

Alice Van-Weed said...

havent really tried using fernet before..but i have heard it's really really good..ill probably try this recipe of yours next weekend

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Anonymous said...

Aspiring Chef Michael said...

Why not try a sweet potato pumpkin spiced custard with the Fernet? I think it sounds good.

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