Soma will soon open and i couldnt be more excited. Ive been out of a kitchen for about 2 months now. The kitchen is where i create my art. Take me away from the kitchen and i become irritable and depressed. Its been a boring and tough 2 months, but i am finally behind a stove/oven!!
Chef Gadsby and I are working on Soma Restaurant. It will be located at 4820 Washington Blvd (at the corner of washington and shepherd). Last week we finally started working in the kitchen. Working on our menu items. I'm done with my dessert menu and am ready to move into the kitchen side.
Soma is the most anticipated restaurant opening in Houston. We are ready to please and raise everyones expectation on what a japanese restaurant and sushi bar should be. Our food will be more approachable than that of Noe's. BUT. the quality and creativity will not be disregarded.
Well ... heres a little tease. These little beautys will be part of our bar menu. I've tried to get away from making cupcakes (i used to make them for a living at a bakery!), but they still taunt/haunt me. This time i will make them how i want. Not how they wanted them. This is my take on cupcakes.

Sweet: Granny Smith Apple Cupcakes / Vanilla Bean Buttercream / Sesame Granola
Savory: Vidalia Onion Cupcakes / Duck Confit Buttercream / Bacon Streusel
Somehow, through random clicking, I found your blog. Actually, I was just trying to dig up any PR dish on Soma. I'm Karen, one of the hostesses at Soma. Just to jog your memory, I was the one who came in last night looking completely lost and helpless. Anyway, I knew when I heard your name during orientation on Tuesday that you sounded familiar, but I didn't know how or why. After I ran into your blog, I put two and two together (you + pastry chef) and realized you used to work at The Cookie Jar.
I've been helping them design their menu for Be'Wiched (even though right now it looks like crap since they've since then butchered it with edits.) David & Robin are my friends, but I know many people (like Ashley in the back) are having some frustrations there. That's another story. BBUTT I like what you did when you were there and I'm excited to taste the stuff you have for Soma!
BTW, it would be AWESOME if you could incorporate some green tea, mochi, or sweet beans (such as red or white) into your desserts. These were the staples in most restaurants in Japan. I inhale the stuff. But I'm not sure how "progressive" or "Franco-Japanese" that would be.
I found you by accident too. I runs a catering company and i put out a newsletter and blog. I was looking for updates on soma and came accross this. I cant wait to taste those "cupcakes" love the iron chef entries, too funny. So whens the official opening of Soma? Be sure to invite me.
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